Re: Informix vs Oracle, alleged trade secret theft

From: T. Scheeler <>
Date: 1997/01/29
Message-ID: <5co6th$>#1/1

In article <>, netac <> wrote: ..
> I have no problems with non-disclosures that allows the company to have
>the rights for work I do for them while employed by them. I certainly
>wouldn't expect to be able to take my source code from one company, move
>to their competitor and just recompile it there and give them a system.
>However, I do expect to be able to take a new job and take my brain with
>me. My brain consists of things I have learned at every job I have
>held, and no one has the rights to that. This is where these cases go
>to far. If on my current job I become skilled in Oracle 7, and then
>take a new job, my orignal company does not have the rights to my Oracle
>skills that I take with me to my new job. Unfortunately, this is what
>companies are doing. They want to own your skills and your mind and
>claim you can't take it anywhere else, not just your tangible work

You've missed the entire point: it is not "your knowledge" that an employment contract hampers, but that knowledge you gain of company secrets. Your knowledge of Oracle 7 is general and freely available; a companies secrets are not. Nonetheless, Oracle has nothing to gain from Informix, unless it wants to take a giant leap backwards.

Tom Scheeler Received on Wed Jan 29 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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