Re: Coalescing and PCTINCREASE

From: N Prabhakar <>
Date: 1996/12/06
Message-ID: <58a5l5$>#1/1 (Gene Hubert) wrote:
>I've been following the thread on Coalescing and PCTINCREASE.
>There seems to be an implication that it is often desirable for
>PCTINCREASE to be 0. Could someone confirm if this is so and
>briefly explain why?
>Thanks for your attention,
>gene hubert

Hi there,

The advantage of setting PCTINCREASE to 0 (zero) is avoid exponential growth of tables. In most cases, you want to control the growth of next extent.

For example, if you create a table with INITIAL as 1Mb, next as 500k and PCTINCREASE to 10, Oracle upon completing the initial extent will allocate next extent of 550k (Note PCT INCREASE IS USED while assigining next extent). This way you have objects growing exponentially.

To have a better control, PCTINCREASE is set to 0. In this case, the object will grow only by 500k.

I hope the above helps you.


N.Prabhakar Received on Fri Dec 06 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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