Grant privileges to "a program"...?

From: Volker Koenig <>
Date: 1996/11/10
Message-ID: <564lvf$>#1/1

Hi there!

A collegue just claimed it was possible to grant table privileges to "a program" in oracle, e.g., not the id of the user is checked against the table-privileges but the name or any "hidden" id of the application program itself.

This will make it possible - especially when using ODBC - to avoid people using tables with "non applications" like word processors or spreadsheets.

Is this true or did someone "tell him about his horse", as we say in germany?

Bis denne,


Ich habe Londo das Leben gerettet, weil im All alles Leben heilig ist. Aber wenn derjenige, den man gerettet hat, diesen Glauben nicht mit einem teilt, hat man der Gegenwart gedient, indem man die Zukunft
geopfert hat.                                 (Lenier in Babylon 5)

Received on Sun Nov 10 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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