From: Mark W. Aurit <>
Date: 1996/10/18
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Is it possible to indirectly access Oracle tables from a Perl script? By "indirectly", we have a number of UNIX shell scripts that dynamically create .sql, and then we execute the Oracle SQLPLUS command-line environment, passing it the .sql script. We might update a table, or create an ouput file. Is the same easily doable under Perl? There is a public domain Oracle library for Perl4, but since Perl is relatively new to use and we are using to running Oracle under UNIX as I just mentioned, that would be a quick way to leverage our skill base.
We'd expecially appreciate hearing from anyone accessing Oracle from Perl, regardless of method.
TIA, Mark

Mark Aurit
Business Systems
Northrop Grumman Data Systems (West)
Received on Fri Oct 18 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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