-> User-Friendly SQL Editor? Where? <-

From: Gordon E. Hooker <gordonh_at_thehub.com.au>
Date: 1996/10/13
Message-ID: <32615bfd.2423730_at_news.thehub.com.au>#1/1

Les Gainous <lesgainous_at_earthlink.net> wrote:

>Being from the MS SQL-Server world and new to Oracle (7.1 on NT), I've
>noticed the SQL*Plus product lacking in the usability category. I hope
>I'm wrong and have just overlooked a nicer interface--someone tell me!
>With MSSQL Server, I had ISQL/Windows which allows multiple queries to
>be run concurrently, I could set options with a few mouse clicks, I
>could have multiple connections to a database (or databases). I also had
>a choice from a third party with a product called, RapidSQL. This
>product is nice in that is color-codes my stored procedure syntax, as
>well as a few more "bell-n-whistles" than ISQL/W.
>My question is what other choices do I have for Oracle? What third party
>products will let me write queries, stored-procedures, etc. in a
>user-friendly and intuitive environment?

SQL*Plus is a line editor type product for use over all platforms where the dumbest of terminals are used. See if you can get a trial of Discover/2000 and Procedure Builder.

>Thanks in advance!
> Les Gainous, lesgainous_at_earthlink.net
> Visit my web page at
> http://home.earthlink.net/~lesgainous
> Looking for a Client-Server job in California?
> http://home.earthlink.net/~lesgainous/jobs.html
Received on Sun Oct 13 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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