Want to be a DBA? Be careful what you ask for.....

From: J Yang <JYang1_at_ibm.net>
Date: 1996/09/19
Message-ID: <3240F00E.3F79_at_ibm.net>#1/1

To all you experienced DBAs :

        What made you want to be a DBA? More money? More prestige? Why?

        I have been preparing to become a DBA for a long time. Occasionally the question would come to my mind : Why do you want to be a DBA? I can not seem to be able to come up with a convincing answer. And then the phrase would pop up : Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it!

        It would be a heartbreak to realize what you spend so much time and effort to get is not really what you want! But by then it will have been a little too late to turn back.

        What's the big deal being a DBA? Any comment will be appreciated!

  • J. Yang
Received on Thu Sep 19 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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