Re: Pro*C Question: Forking Processes

From: <>
Date: 1996/09/05
Message-ID: <50lvca$>#1/1

I missed the start of the post but

FYI Oracle client processes (Pro*C , sqlplus etc) fork off and have to use SIGPIPE and/or SIGCHLD only on non listener loopback connections ie v1 P: (default until 7.1.6 or thereabouts) and v1 beq (default after 7.1.6 or thereabouts)

so if you use v2 tcp , v2 ipc what you do with SIGCHLD and your own forked processes is your own problem....

just my 2 cents,

Turloch O'Tierney
email Received on Thu Sep 05 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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