WANTED: Contract database programmer

From: Dave Taylor <taylor_at_intuitive.com>
Date: 1996/07/21
Message-ID: <taylorDuwnLE.9Ep_at_netcom.com>#1/1

[ Excuse the interruption, but this seemed like a good strategy to   find someone we're seeking for our project...]

My firm is starting to spec out a project that involves some pretty cool Web server development, much of which will be centered on a custom database design and online transactions. For a large software vendor, we're aiming to build a niche-specific online shopping center that will allow users of their software to buy add-ons and supplemental products with the click of a button.

We expect that we'll be buying a Unix server, perhaps a SPARC system, co-locating it at a company that offers T3 access, and that we'll purchase a robust commercial database application, probably either Oracle, Sybase or Informix. We're open to other alternatives, but want something solid and reliable.

The database itself will be organized by vendor, with a set of products therein, then attributes for each product (color, size, price, etc) Users will need to be able to search by vendor or by product, and there are lots of photographs and images involved too.

We know HTML and the Web inside out, but we don't have anyone with expertise in database installation, configuration and deployment. This doesn't seem like an incredibly difficult task, but we have sufficient funds to pay for top people if they're worth it.

The project will begin almost immediately and run through the end of the calendar year, with official unveiling 1 January '97.

Sound like an interesting opportunity? if you'd like to inquire further, please send a note with your qualifications and experience in this area. Please send some URLs of Web sites that you've been a key developer for that have a database-centric view.

Thanks for your interest.

Dave Taylor
Intuitive Systems Received on Sun Jul 21 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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