Re: SQL*Net <--> Windows95

From: Jim Olsen <>
Date: 1996/07/20
Message-ID: <4srnmm$>#1/1

No problem using sql*net v2.xx with windows 95. 16M is enough for sql*net, but what kind of client application will you be running? (Paul Osborn) wrote:


>A site is currently running Oracle 7.0.15 on a Pyramid server. They
>want to be able to connect to Windows95 clients (16M RAM, 486/Pentium)
>using SQL*Net 2.n.

>My question is: What is the least amount of upgrade pain they need to
>go through to be able to connect the Windows95 clients to the Pyramid
>server using SQL*Net 2.n?

>Concerns would be:
>Is 16M RAM per client enough?
>Can they get away with upgrading to Oracle 7.1 and SQL*Net 2.1, i.e.
>does SQL*Net 2.1 support Windows95?

Received on Sat Jul 20 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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