Re: a comparison of different databases

From: Phil Edwards <>
Date: 1996/07/04
Message-ID: <>#1/1

David Williams wrote:
> Phil Edwards wrote:

> >Technically Oracle is ahead of the field. What you need to consider is
> >whether this means a more stable product or simply one with lots of
> >additional features.

> What makes you say Oracle is ahead of the field??

Short answer: er, pass. As an AS/400-oriented journalist I couldn't possibly start listing the positive features of an RDBMS that's not available on the platform... backtrack, backtrack...

Slightly longer answer: in my previous job I conducted an evaluation of Oracle against Sybase, Informix and Ingres (not DB2); Oracle came out way ahead. Also (for the DB2 crowd), there was a discussion about Oracle vs DB2/400 on the AS/400 newsgroup recently. The consensus seemed to be "OK so Oracle's ahead, _but_..." (you don't need all those features/it's not as stable).

Phil Edwards          
Editor, NEWS/400.UK             +44 (0)161 929 0777
Received on Thu Jul 04 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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