Mixing SQL*Net 2.x Versions

From: Thomas Kuchenbuch <Thomas_Kuchenbuch_at_sz.maus.de>
Date: 1996/06/17
Message-ID: <199606172233.a14256_at_sz.maus.de>#1/1


I'm supposed to upgrade our Server (running WinNT) to V 7.2, which also means installing SQLNet V 2.2. Although also available, I can't upgrade our WfW-clients to SQLNet V 2.2, I've to keep V 2.1 to run Forms 4.5 developer and applications.

Since there seems to be quite a difference between *.ora config files generated for V 2.1 and V 2.2, what can I do?

Does mixing 2.1 and 2.2 work by maintaining 2 sets of config files and distributing them individually depending on SQLNet versions actually running on each machine (which also means maintaining 2 seperate network definitions as Network Manager's data are not compatible between 2.1 and 2.2)?

Thanks for any hints, Thomas

Thomas Kuchenbuch                thomas_kuchenbuch_at_sz.maus.de _< 16kB
only, please_
D-38106 Braunschweig                                   
Received on Mon Jun 17 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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