Re: Development DBA Tool Recommendations

From: Chandra Chakicherla <>
Date: 1996/06/14
Message-ID: <4pskeg$>#1/1

Here are some;

  1. BMC Meta Suite is similar to Change Manager
  2. I am not aware of any PL/SQL debugging tools.
  3. For Logical to Physical design tool, you already got DES2K
  4. TS-REORG from Platinum, ACE*REORG (?)
  5. For an operational monitor you already have Patrol. For Performance you could use Server Manager on Windows. (Peter van Jaarsveldt) wrote:


>I've just moved into Oracle from IMS/DB2, and the first thing I've been asked
>to do is evaluate some DBA tools. I guess we are looking for rough equivalents
>BMC's Change Manager (a tool which for example would generate all the DDL,
>unload and LOAD statements for reordering columns)
>Some kind of debugging tool for PL/SQL
>Some kind of Logical to Physical design tool, with the ability to generate the
>DDL when the physical design is finalised.
>A reorg package.
>A monitor.

>I have already contacted BMC and Platinum (known from my DB2 days), and we
>have bought Designer/2000 and Patrol, but I wondered whether there was anyone
>else we should be looking at.

>Any help much appreciated (even from vendors ;^))

>Please email me at


>Pete van Jaarsveldt

Chandra Chakicherla
Database Consultant Received on Fri Jun 14 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

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