Re: How to limit # of rows returned by SELECT

From: G. Umakanth <>
Date: 1996/02/12
Message-ID: <4fo53t$>#1/1

In PowerBuilder, you can use RETRIEVE_AS_NEEDED to retrieve one full page of data at a time. Other front-ends may have a similar feature.

Donna Kray <> wrote:

> (Anton Dischner) wrote:
>>Hi Gordon,
>>try select * from <your_table> where rownum < 11;
>>for the first ten items.
>>Note that the rownum is calculated last, so any other where clauses with
>>rownum will probably not work.

>Incorrect.ROWNUM with other WHERE clauses will work. ROWNUM is calculated
>as records are retrieved from the table, as determined by where
>conditions, if they exist. ROWNUM is calculated *before* the ORDER BY is
>evaluated, so an ORDER BY can ( & probably will) un-order the ROWNUM

>DL Kray
Received on Mon Feb 12 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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