Oracle Support and Porting for the OpenVMS Platform

From: Your Name <Your.Name_at_NZDAIRY.CO.NZ>
Date: 1996/02/11
Message-ID: <4flm8v$>#1/1

NZ Dairy Group is a long-time customer of both Oracle and Digital and has run Oracle systems on OpenVMS since 1983.

OpenVMS has gone from being Oracle's primary port to a 'second tier' port for the majority of it's product base. During this transistion NZ Dairy has become concerned over the delays, port specific bugs and descretionary nature of what versions of product Oracle and the Digital Porting division chose to release to OpenVMS.

While we assess whether we can afford to perservere with OpenVMS and 'discuss' with Oracle their apparent lack of committment to OpenVMS we are keen to canvas other Oracle/Digital clients who are experiencing similar concerns and what initiatives you have undertaken to remedy the problem.


Dave Paul
Oracle Systems Manager
NZ Dairy Group Received on Sun Feb 11 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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