Re: Forms 4.5 ROS -200 Error

From: (wrong string) ît Stephenson <>
Date: 1996/02/09
Message-ID: <4fg8el$>#1/1 (W. Lyne Eaker) wrote:

>I just joined this newsgroup last week so this question was probably
>already asked. While working on a VERY SIMPLE form I received a ROS -200
>error when I tried to save my form (already was named, and had been saved
>a number of times). I also got this error quite frequently when taking
>the Forms 4.5 I course from ORACLE. There seemed to be no rhyme or
>reason, but I assumed the problem was with their hardware. Now the same
>thing happens on my machine while working on a completely different set of

>The ROS -200 error will not allow me to save my work and I cannot seem to
>fix the problem without exiting Windows.

>Any information on this error would be greatly appreciated.

>Thanks in advance!

>W. Lyne Eaker
>A.V.C. - Lesser Slave Lake
> OR
>Information Systems Project Leader


You can try to erase the temporay file *.ora in the directory c:\windows\temp
It does not always fix the problem, but sometimes it does, you can then save your form again, etc... I think that this problem occurs when the file cauprefs.ora (in c:\windows\temp) is corrupted.

Good luck

Benoit Stephenson - DMR Group inc. Received on Fri Feb 09 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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