Re: Oracle memory leak

From: Laurent Citton <>
Date: 1995/12/20
Message-ID: <4b93p6$>#1/1


We have exactly the same problem: after the database has started up, performances are good, but after a time, processes slow down until it looks like oracle processes were blocked. However, our environment is not the same at all: we have few connections but each inserts or selects a lot of rows (about 1 million each time).

French support suggests that our application uses too many cursors (implicit or explicit) which causes the shared pool to be full. But we have no ORA 4031 error. I will receive patch 326110 to correct his bug but it seems that it will be of no effect, according to you.

Hope this helps, please email me a summary or post it to the group.

Laurent Citton                Email:
France Received on Wed Dec 20 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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