Re: Defragmentation

From: <Anonymous>
Date: 1995/12/11
Message-ID: <>#1/1

One way of doing it is to

	a.Export the database 
	b.Drop and recreate tablespaces 
	c.Import the database 

This is based on what we used to do for V6.0

Hope this helps

==========Wong Yeow Kiat, 12/10/95========== Hi there,

I would like to defragment my Oracle database, what is the best way and how to go
about doing it? I'm currently using the Oracle v7.0, is there also a difference in
defragmentation for V7.0 and above?

Thanks in advance.

Yeow Kiat (S'pore Petroleum Co/Computer Resources Dept.) Received on Mon Dec 11 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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