Re: mon-command doesn't work

From: <>
Date: 1995/11/26
Message-ID: <49af4b$>#1/1

In <491jpn$>, (Joerg Zentgraf) writes:
>I am trying to create a database under Oracle7. The server is running under
>Novell 4.1.
>At the SQLDBA-prompt I tried to display database activities with MON R or MON FILE IO.
>But Oracle said, that this command doesn't work in this mode.
>Which mode?!?
>Many thanks for a short hint,
>Joerg Zentgraf

I believe it is refering to 'line-mode'. ie. if you started sqldba with the sqldba mode=line command. sqldba since OracleV7 has a full-screen mode where your whole screen is redrawn, giving you drop down menus at top, a results window in the middle, and a command window at the bottom. Unfortunatly,  no mousability, and it is a royal pain-in-the-a** to get the function keys to work. This mode is usually invoked by just typing 'sqldba'. The terminal settings/functions keys are governed by the ORACLE_TERM environment  variable (in UNIX). I do not know what the equivelent in a NOVELL environment would be.

Robert Kuropkat Received on Sun Nov 26 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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