Re: Access & Oracle

From: Noah Monsey <>
Date: 1995/11/24
Message-ID: <30b59f46.5862035_at_165.247.1.4>#1/1 (Stephen McClure) wrote:

>Is anybody out there using Access to connect to Oracle? Any other
>suggestions for good front end tools?

 Yes I have used MS access to connect to:  Oracle Workgroup server verion for SCO Unix.  Personel Oracle for windows (90 day trial version)

 Since Oracle will not sell Forms 4.5 without the entire  Developer 2000, I started using MS Access as a front end.  It is a good low cost alternative to Oracle's SQL*Forms  and SQL*Reportwriter.

 While MS Access does work, it does not have anything  close to the speed of SQL*Forms or SQL*Reportwriter.  It does have several faults, like not having any way  to ask users if they want to commit the changes to the  database. And when a user does a query in a  MS Access form, when the results come back the  data in the current field is selected, if the user presses  a key the data in the field disappears (and there is no  way to rollback the change.)

 If you have faith in the skill of the poeple using MS Access  it is not a bad choice, but if you would rather be able to  enforce integrity constraints at the application level  SQL*Forms is a much better choice.
========= ========= ========= ========= =========

Noah Monsey             
========= ========= ========= ========= ========= The only dumb question is the one that you don't ask. ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= Oracle Master Database Administration, April 1992 Oracle Master Application Development, April 1992 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= Received on Fri Nov 24 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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