dbms alerts usage

From: Dave <dsames_at_pop500.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Date: 1995/11/22
Message-ID: <dsames-2211951341500001_at_mclark.gsfc.nasa.gov>#1/1


Here is one more question regarding database alerts...Is there any way to incorporate the waiting for a "signal" into a unix select call...I mean, they may be using a file descriptor to handle the alerting, so could this be tied into a select so that a server that is waiting to handle all different kind of events can add this to the list that the server process is waiting on. It would be nice if we didn't have to time out of the select and then do the dbms_alert.waitone call with a 0 timeout and loop. This could potentially use up alot of cpu cycles and it is kinda' ugly.


Dave Received on Wed Nov 22 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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