SQL 3 - GIS Extensions

From: Robert Taylor <RobDT_at_msn.com>
Date: 1995/10/03
Message-ID: <00001a1b+000033f4_at_msn.com>#1/1

Does anyone know what ORACLE is doing in the area of SQL 3 which contains extensions for Geographical analysis (i.e. "composed of" and "is a " clauses ..... etc).
This standard is not yet finalised as far as I know (by the American Niational Standards commitee).
Some GIS vendors are writing their own versions, (some based upon the standards draft and others not).

What plans does ORACLE have in this area and other GIS related areas such as graphics and pure bulk of data managed by the rdbms. I would be very interested to hear from anyone (especially ORACLE) regarding such topics.


       Rob Taylor Received on Tue Oct 03 1995 - 00:00:00 CET

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