atan2 in PL/SQL

From: Gunnar Orvarsson <>
Date: 1995/08/14
Message-ID: <40nst6$>#1/1

Dear Oracle managers,

With help from and sci.math.num-analysis ,I've managed to create an approximation for the atan function in PL/SQL.

However, I would like to create the atan2 function as well, but it seems a bit more complicated.

I've had a look at a sample source in C, and it seems a bit difficult, to this the same way unless using bitwise operators, such as those that are available in C. Unfortunately, such operators don't seem to be available in PL/SQL.

So my question is: Has anyone done this in PL/SQL before?

Best regards,

Gunnar Orvarsson                                 Internet:
Hafrannsoknastofnunin/Fiskistofa                 Telephone:   +354 5697909
(Marine Research Inst./Directorate of Fisheries) Fax:         +354 5697990
Ingolfsstraeti 1, Reykjavik, Iceland             Home phone:  +354 5813253
Received on Mon Aug 14 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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