Re: Help Loading YYYYMMDD Dates

From: E A Macnaghten <>
Date: 1995/05/17
Message-ID: <3pdin2$>#1/1 (Roy Wagner) wrote:
> I'm am trying to load dates from a file that has them in the format
> YYYYmMdD, where a lower case letter represents a blank if the month or
> year is < 10. I do not what to HAVE TO reformat these dates in the flat
> files that I need to transfer to ORACLE 7.1. However, this examples shows
> what happens when I try and load dates with blanks. ORACLE seems to skip
> the blank on the month's first column and attempt to read if from the
> first column of the day columns. What is causing this and how can I load
> dates in this format without changing their format in the flat file.

How about loading the field into a character field rather than a date field, then doing an update on the table to put it into a date field:

	CREATE TABLE testdate
	   	(testdate     DATE,
    		testchar     CHAR(10))


	INFILE 'c:\testdate.dat'	
	INTO TABLE testdate
   		(testchar   POSITION (1:8) CHAR(10))

then in sqlplus:

	update testdate
	set testdate = to_date(replace(testchar,' ','0'),'YYYYMMDD');

I hope this helps

Yours ever

Eddy Received on Wed May 17 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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