[help] last update time of a table

From: Ng Sze Ho Stephen <cs_sng_at_uxmail.ust.hk>
Date: 1995/05/14
Message-ID: <1995May14.122556.23685_at_uxmail.ust.hk>#1/1

Dear expert,

Could you kindly tell me how to retrieve the last update time of a table in an C/Embedded SQL program from the Sybase & Oracle server respectively? Thanks very much.

NAME : Stephen NG Sze-ho    | Undergraduate, Year 3                           
EMAIL: cs_sng_at_ustsu4.ust.hk | Department of Computer Science                  
       cs_sng_at_ug.cs.ust.hk  | The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Received on Sun May 14 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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