Oracle RDBMS to index an image Data Bank

From: <>
Date: 1995/05/13
Message-ID: <3p15qr$>#1/1

Subject: Oracle RDBMS to index an image Data Bank

Is there a database structure in the public domain defined for the Oracle RDBMS that could be used to index images.  

Ideally, this database would be in USMARC format incoprating field 856. USMARC is the de facto international standard for electronic coding of library catalogue records.

Field 856 is used to locate and access electronic (Internet) resources.

If not, then what about commerically available products that use Oracle ?

We would likely want this system to describe and index images (most likely in *.JPG format).

Thanks in advance. I don't subscribe, so an e-mail response to my mailbox would be appreciated.



| |
| Graham Dawson Internet: |
| Librarian, Cataloguing Voice: + 61 7 864 3257 |
| Queensland University of Technology Fax: + 61 7 864 3994 |
| Library * |
| Locked Bag No. 2 * * |
| RED HILL QLD 4059 . |
| Brisbane Australia * Local VAXMail: DAWSONG |
| |
Received on Sat May 13 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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