Re: SQL*Netv2 Post-Installation question

From: <>
Date: 1995/05/10
Message-ID: <1995May10.091449.803_at_cho006>#1/1

In article <>, John Moriarty <> writes:
> In the Oracle7 server Installation and Configuration Guide(for HP9000)
> under "Post-Installation for each SQL*Netv2 Product" it states:
> As root, add a line like the following in the startup file:
> su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start"
> My question is, what startup file are they refering to?
> thanks for any info.
> John Moriarty

The startup file is called rc and it is under /etc you will see an entry for starting up Oracle called dbstart( su ). add the sqlnet startup after the su command to start up Oracle

        Ken Poston Received on Wed May 10 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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