Re: HELP - Rollback segment NEEDS RECOVERY

From: Steve Butler <>
Date: 1995/05/05
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950505085558.4166B-100000_at_seatimes>#1/1

On Wed, 3 May 1995, Tommy Johnson wrote:
> I assume Oracle was in the middle of some transaction when a power outage or
> some other hardware failure caused the reboot (this has happened before and
> we're working on locating the cause). I believe this left one or more blocks
> in the tablespace in an inconsistent state (this was from trying to export
> the user running the batch job):
> How can I recover a rollback segment? I have tried to bring in ONLINE, but
> get the error message saying it's already ONLINE. Tried to take it OFFLINE,
> but get the error saying that it isn't ONLINE. ???

There are a couple of real basic questions. (Maybe three.)

1.  You do have a recent full database backup?
2.  You are archiving the redo log files?
3.  Was this a "batch" process that can be redone or was it online.

With that info, you should be able to read Chapter 19 (Recovering a Database) in the Administrator's Guide to get the options available for your specific situation.

In general, your first action should have been to start the instance and then mount the database without opening the files. Then follow the appropriate recovery steps.

At this point, given that you have done some things to the database, you may have no other choice than to restore and roll forward to the crash point.


| Steve Butler          Voice:  206-464-2998         |
| The Seattle Times       Fax:  206-382-8898         |
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| Seattle, WA 98111    Packet:  KG7JE_at_N6EQZ.WA       |
All standard and non-standard disclaimers apply. All other sources are annonymous. Received on Fri May 05 1995 - 00:00:00 CEST

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