Re: SQL*Net

From: Doug Harris <ah513_at_FreeNet.Carleton.CA>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 00:31:14 GMT
Message-ID: <>

   Setting up a MultiProtocol Interchange (SQL*Net V2 feature) would make things a lot easier. (But I think MPI is extra $$).

In a previous posting, Bill Holmes ( writes:
> We have clients that want to access data in a remote Oracle7 DB on a Unix box that runs
> SQL*Net TCP/IP. The clients are connected to a local Oracle7 Server for NetWare.
> Clients and local server run SPX/IPX. If these clients wanted to retrieve their data through
> a database link from local server to remote server, what SQL*Net drivers need to run on the clients
> and on the local server and the remote server? Could it work if SQL*Net TCP/IP for NetWare were
> running on the local NetWare DB server box in addition to SQL*Net SPX/IPX for NetWare and the
> remote DB server runs SQL*Net TCP/IP so that a database link could be created on the local
> server using e.g ' create public database link linkname connect to scott identified by tiger using
> 'T:remotelistenername';?
> Thanks in advance for your help.

   - Doug Harris
     Database Administrator, System Development Division,
     Statistics Canada.        ## WHERE ALL_OPINIONS.OWNER = USER ##
Received on Thu Mar 02 1995 - 01:31:14 CET

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