Re: Mosaic <-> Oracle

From: Randy Bradley <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:33:44 GMT
Message-ID: <bradley.1133990864A_at_map>

Jason NG of NCSA wrote "GSQL" to do this, but geared toward Sybase. James Pitkow of Georgia Inst. of Tech. modified it to work better with Oracle. Check out URL:

As for code examples, things get very machine/user specific at this point. Are you running: unix or vms; C or PERL; ORA*C or OCI ??? The examples that come with GSQL and the documentation should get you started.

>I know some people out there have created interfaces
>between Mosaic and Oracle databses (which is my
>current project) so could anyone give me some
>assistance on the matter, ie: what's the best way
>of doing it ? Code people have written would
>be most appreciated.

Randy Bradley | Systems Analyst | US Meat Animal Research Center | Clay Center Computer Spec.| 402-762-4156 | | Nebraska

"Around it! Around it! Confoundit. Nobody gave me the specifications. I have to do everything myself around here." Gopher-The Great Honeypot Robbery
Received on Mon Oct 31 1994 - 12:33:44 CET

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