Re: F3 Two digit fields & Century Change

From: Yves Noel <>
Date: 27 Oct 1994 09:02:53 GMT
Message-ID: <38nqbt$>

In article <38m9dj$>, (Dave Jordan) writes:
|>Forms 3.0.16
|>OS Dec Alpha OSF/1 V3.0
|>Does anyone know how to keep the default date format (dd-mon-yy) for a field,
|>but handle the cenutury change?
|>Oracle gives us 'RR' to do the conversion, but I can't figure out where
|>to use it to make this thing work.
|>The 'RR' part of the format will convert 00-49 to the next century and leave
|>50-99 in the current.
|>Things we have tried that have failed:
|>1) Change NLS_DATE_FORMAT to DD-MON-RR in the init.ora file
|> This doesn't work, and keeps sqlmenu50 designer from working.
|>2) Put DD-MON-RR in the format mask for the date field.
|> This gives an error: "FRM-40209 Field must be of form DD-MON-RR"
|> Duhh... I entered 12-MAY-09! What are they looking for?
|>3) Create a database trigger to modify the 'NEW:' value with the 'RR'
|> conversion.
|> Upon commiting the row, forms complains that another user has modified
|> your row and you should requery.
|>We are not about to go through the kludge of creating non-db fields for all
|>the applications.
|>Dave Jordan
Put a trigger ON-VALIDATE-FIELD to force the century, something like :

PROCEDURE fix_date (f_date IN OUT DATE) IS

	l_siecle char(2) := substr(to_char(sysdate,'YYYY'),1,2);
	l_annee number(4) := to_number(to_char(f_date,'YYYY'));
	l_tempo  char(11);
	if (l_annee < 100) then
	  l_tempo := to_char(f_date,'DD-MON-')||l_siecle||lpad(to_char(l_annee),
	  f_date := to_date(l_tempo,'DD-MON-YYYY');
	end if;

END; This exemple was in 'Bulletin Technique ORACLE number 8 summer 1992'.
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Received on Thu Oct 27 1994 - 10:02:53 CET

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