Any good third party software

From: Anand Ramamurthy <a4ramam_at_srv.PacBell.COM>
Date: 21 Sep 1994 00:19:24 GMT
Message-ID: <35nu6c$hlh_at_gw.PacBell.COM>

We are currently looking for any good third party software which will retrive data from Oracle database, as per speific selection criteria and either save it in a file or display on screen (similar to ACCELL of Unisys).

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for the information

  ___  _  _  ___  _  _ __
 / _ \| \| |/ _ \| \| |  '\                 a4ramam_at_lvas00.LVAS.srv.PacBell.COM
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Received on Wed Sep 21 1994 - 02:19:24 CEST

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