Desperate for help on R20XTB.DLL problem (Reports V2)

From: Rodney Coleman <>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 1994 23:14:50 GMT
Message-ID: <>

    Hi! I am in urgent need of some help trying to build an R20XTB.DLL     for a system we are currently porting from Unix to DOS/Windows. We     have developed reports (using V1.1) which use C user exits. During     the porting process, we found that we could not use SQL*ReportWriter     V1.1 as our system must run from Windows. Hence, Oracle recommended     that we migrate our reports to Oracle Reports V2. So I have done this,     but I cannot run any of the migrated reports, because I get the     following error from R20RUN:

    R20RUN caused a general protection fault in module SQL15WIN.DLL     at 0001:EDD

    I know that it is something to do with the R20XTB.DLL that I have     built because if I replace it with the original supplied, I get     the "cannot find user exit..." error. The versions of the software     we are using are:

	Microsoft MS-DOS 6.20
	Windows for Workgroups 3.11
	Microsoft C V6.0
	Microsoft SDKs 3.1
	Microsoft Assembler 6.1
	Oracle Reports
	Oracle Forms
	Pro*C for Windows
	Oracle SQL*Net TCP/IP for Windows
	Oracle7 Server for Netware

    I believe that the problem probably lies in the way I am building     the R20XTB.DLL library, however the Pro*C, Reports V2 and Forms V4     manuals all have varying methods of producing DLLs so I am looking     for someone that has successfully built this DLL to tell me if my     building method is correct. Here is how I built the DLL:

    (1) Compiles:

	proc include=c:\orados\pro15\c\ reentrant=yes farcall=no 
	     sqlcheck=full iname=ue2000a.pc
	proc include=c:\orados\pro15\c\ reentrant=yes farcall=no
	     sqlcheck=full iname=ue2100a.pc <- contains PL/SQL
	proc include=c:\orados\pro15\c\ reentrant=yes farcall=no
	     sqlcheck=full iname=ue2200a.pc <- contains PL/SQL

	cl -c -AL -Gsw -Zpe -W3 -Od -D_WINDOWS ue2000a.c
	cl -c -AL -Gsw -Zpe -W3 -Od -D_WINDOWS ue2100a.c
	cl -c -AL -Gsw -Zpe -W3 -Od -D_WINDOWS ue2200a.c 

	masm drsxtb.asm <- Created using genxtb username/password

    (2) Links:

	link _at_r20xtb.lnk
	rc -v -30 -t -k r20xtb.dll    <- What does this do ??
	copy r20xtb.dll c:\orawin\bin

    I have included the r20xtb.lnk and r20xtb.def below that I have used.     We are desperate to solve this problem so that we can continue our     port. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Rod.

  • r20xtb.lnk ********

\orawin\forms40\userexit\uez.obj +
\orawin\forms40\userexit\osswep.obj + <-- Not supplied with Reports V2 ??
\winapps\winsdk\lib\libentry.obj +

drsxtb.obj +

ue2000a.obj +
ue2100a.obj +

r20xtb.dll /Map /NoDef /PackCode:32768 /PackData /Far /NoExt /Align:16
\dosapps\mc60\lib\ldllcew.lib +
\winapps\winsdk\lib\libw.lib +
\orados\pro15\lib\ora7win.lib +
\orados\pro15\lib\corewin.lib +
\orados\pro15\lib\sql15win.lib +

  • r20xtb.def ********
; NAME          R20XTB.DEF
; FUNCTION      Definition file for R20XTB.DLL
; NOTES         Contains Oracle Reports User Exits for DRS
; AUTHOR        Rodney Coleman 04/09/94

DESCRIPTION   'Oracle REPORTS user eXit TaBle'


; DO NOT alter these export statements in any way!

        _ueLocateB                      _at_1
        _ueLocateP                      _at_2
        _ueReportsExecute               _at_3
        _ueGraphicsExecute              _at_4
        _ueFormsExecute                 _at_5
; Added for Reports 2.0.13
        _ueReportsExecute20             _at_6
; DO NOT alter these export statements in any way! ; Please begin you exports AFTER 100. We reserve the right to use _at_1-_at_100.
        _ue2000a                        _at_101
        _ue2100a                        _at_102
        _ue2200a                        _at_103

 Everytime I open the door,              |  Rodney Coleman, Analyst Programmer
  its the same DAMN thing......          |  BHP Information Technology
 That bitch bends over,                  |  Newcastle, Australia.
  and I forget my name !! (Gene Simmons) | ( Received on Wed Sep 07 1994 - 01:14:50 CEST

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