Re: SQL*Loader Stream file problem

From: Dan Glasstetter <>
Date: Fri, 20 May 1994 09:59:42
Message-ID: <>

 I Wrote:

>I am trying to load some data into Oracle using SQL*Loader on AIX Unix.

>The file is in Stream record format.
>RDBMS Version:

>My problem is with the header record. It is 512 bytes long, while each data
>record is 320 bytes. How can I get SQL*Loader to skip past the first 512
>bytes before loading a standard 320 byte record ? The SKIP 1 option doesn't
>work due to the different lengths. If I set the file attrib to FIX 512 or
>FIX 320, I throw my data off by ~190 bytes.

>The input file is generated by 3rd party software, so I can't modify the
>format and just rip the *&(#_at_ header record out !

>Oracle Tech Support said this was impossible and sent me on my way.

>Does anyone have ANY suggestions/experience ?

Got this problem fixed about 2 hours after posting. The solution is in Unix named pipes using the "Tail -b +2 ..." command which basically says start reading at block 2 (or position 513). Maybe Unix isn't so bad :-).

Dan Glasstetter
BMC West Corp.
Boise, ID Received on Fri May 20 1994 - 09:59:42 CEST

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