Alternative to SQL*net proxy?

From: <>
Date: 2 May 94 07:15:08 EST
Message-ID: <>

A couple of weeks ago, there were a number of news items on proxy logins and SQL*Net. The basic theme was 'don't use them.' I agree with the reasoning behing that thought, but we are between a rock and a hard place. Currently, the majority of our ORACLE installations have both the tool set and the RDBMS installed on the same machine. We rely on the proxy login capability to make life easier on the interactive users, and to prevent the need to hardcode passwords into batch files.

We are in the process of separating the tools and the kernel and running them on separate machines. Because using proxies across SQL*Net is not secure, we are forced into having our interactive users enter their ORACLE ID and password. We also have to develop some way for batch jobs to securely hard-code their passwords.

Is anyone else is a similar situation? How have you dealt with this?

Thanks for any ideas.

Bob Swisshelm                |     | 317 276 5472
Eli Lilly and Company        | Lilly Corporate Center  | Indianapolis, IN 46285
Received on Mon May 02 1994 - 14:15:08 CEST

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