Changing tables on a running system

From: Don Gillespie <deg_at_rustin.atped>
Date: 24 Feb 1994 20:35:23 GMT
Message-ID: <2kj32b$>

We have an application which runs continuously, processing queries from a table. The application uses the Pro * C interface dynamic SQL feature. The application opens/fetches/closes a cursor once for each query . The application also uses a synonym which points to one of two active Oracle tables.

Simultaneously, we also want to change the synonym after a new table is loaded. Once in a while, though, the synonym gets changed while the application is in the middle of an open/fetch/close,.

Does anyone know how to swap tables that guarantees the applications will continue to operate correctly?


Don Gillespie U S WEST Advanced Technologies
Received on Thu Feb 24 1994 - 21:35:23 CET

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