Re: SQL*Forms 3.0 Dialog Elements

From: Tony Scott <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 08:19:47 GMT
Message-ID: <> (Sean Stasica) wrote (in part):
> If you are really tricky, you are supposed to be able to go into the
> oraterm file and seperate the TAB and RETURN keys to do different
> things, but there is really no triggers associated with them, only a >
KEY-NXTFLD. You can map the RETURN key to COMMIT so you can use > KEY-COMMIT in that respect, but it may have ill effects on other forms >
> you may have done.

Yes indeed! oraterm can be a snare and a delusion in this respect. The only useful thing you can usually do with oraterm (on a PC anyway) is to map the function keys to KEY-Fn triggers.

What happens next is this. Because you almost never use oraterm you forget what you did. The installer overwrites oraterm. Because you're not installing or upgrading every five minutes you forget that it will do this. Therefore, from time to time your function keys stop working. Having worked out what the problem is you have to go back to the oraterm manual and work out from first principles what it was you did last time. Occasionally you may remember to take a copy of the old version of oraterm.r before you let loose the installer. If you do you will probably notice that there is a new version of oraterm and then you wonder if you dare just use the old oraterm file.

Another nice thing the installer does is to ask you if your language is English and then if it is, it puts ASCII7 American as your language parameter even if you have changed it to West European English (that's the one that does a pound sign). <FX: heavy sarcasm> maybe people shouldn't complain when Oracle's installers don't work. They might be better off that way.

Tony Scott
( Received on Fri Feb 18 1994 - 09:19:47 CET

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