Updating a table w/PRO*C

From: Andrew Ryan <genanr_at_amiserv.xnet.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 21:19:30 GMT
Message-ID: <CKCz8J.J22_at_amiserv.chi.il.us>

        Does anyone have any good ideas of how to do the following quickly?

I have an ascii fixed file with approx. 4-5 million records

I need a way of taking each record and if a key exists in the database update the fields in the table, otherwise insert the whole record.

I would like to do this is PRO*C since I have had pretty good luck with it in other applications. I would also like to try doing it with host arrays. I have tried several methods, but it is either slow or doesn't work.

My main problem seems to be if I try to do something like this:

INSERT d:data where key=:key

However, if it gets to a key that is already in the table, it jumps out of the insert statement rather than going on the the next element in the array.

Thanks in advance,

                        Andy Received on Fri Jan 28 1994 - 22:19:30 CET

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