Pro C and C++ Question

From: Jason Dane Alexander <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 15:40:37 GMT
Message-ID: <>

        I figure that this has been asked in the past, but I have only recently started haveing to deal with proC and so I have not been reading the newsgroup in the past.

        I am writing a c++ shell to parse and deliver queries to an Oracle database. I have been working in proC and have all the parsing software done. Now I have to write the proC.

        Innocenntly, I thought that I would just put the proC into my code where it was needed and compile it. Now I find that if I use cc I can't use my c++ headers, if I use gcc or g++ I die on undefined or on unfindable subroutines (most popular was sqlcex). If I use gcc or g++ -traditional, I can't deal with comments made with a // instead of /* */ so I copy all the headers and delete all the comments. Now my compiler can't deal with the declarations class ostream; class streambuf; etc.

        Now, the reason I am posting is because it might be possible for me to strip out the proC code if I had a way of writing all the proC output into a single data string and then parsing it in c++ where I am gonna have to parse anyway to get my output format. The problem is that I am gonna have to use the count() option and return an unknown number of columns.

        I know it's a pain for me to ask, but any suggestions?

        Responses by e-mail to if you please.

Jason Alexander		*  It's worse than that, it's physics, Jim.
jdane _at_ruf or @owlnet	*  Conservative, n.: Someone who admires radicals,
live and in person at	*	centuries after they are dead.
(713) 664-5538		*  Jesus was killed by a moral majority.
Received on Wed Jan 12 1994 - 16:40:37 CET

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