DDL Locks

From: Laurian Chirica <lchirica_at_orchid>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 15:44:40 GMT
Message-ID: <2cf38168.4976_at_orchid>

I have a dynamic SQL program where a TEMP table is created, some manipulation takes place (INSERTs and SELECTs), and then the transaction is COMMITed. A subsequent DROP TABLE TEMP fails with the message:

ORA-00056: DDL lock on object '36126' is already held in an incompatib (56)

It appears that the COMMIT did not release the DDL lock on TEMP.

Does anyone have any idea why the DDL lock is not released by COMMIT? Please e-mail to lchirica_at_galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu.


Laurian M. Chirica
Computer Science Department
California State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93449 Received on Wed Nov 24 1993 - 16:44:40 CET

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