Re: base table in runform

From: Tommy Wareing <>
Date: 7 Nov 1993 05:52:53 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Ha Kong Kuen ( wrote:
> Is it possible to dynamically change the base table of a form based
> on some paramters?

In a way, yes. You need to use a view to do it though. Basically what you need is:
CREATE VIEW multiple_tables AS
SELECT 1 table_no, table1.<stuff>
FROM table1
SELECT 2, table2.<stuff>
FROM table2

and then base your block on the view multiple tables. Having decided which table you wish to query on, you simply put the appropriate value into the table_no field with a pre-query trigger.

If you want to update or insert things, then you'll have to write your own code to do that.

  _________________________   _________________________
 /  Tommy Wareing          \ /                         \
|   X   'Bugger!' said Piglet   |
 \  0865-483389            / \                         /
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Received on Sun Nov 07 1993 - 12:52:53 CET

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