PRO*C Separate compilation and linking. Help!

From: <msc9342_at_geovax>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 17:12:48 GMT
Message-ID: <1993Aug18.171248.1_at_geovax>

Hello netters.

I have broken up a big PRO*C program into smaller files in the faith that I can compile them separately and link them together later.

Trouble is, I have never done this before (not even in C). I am not sure whether I can just have a single file in which all my host variables are declared which can be used by the functions held in other files. If anyone can provide some pointers as to the feasibility and mechanics of this I would be bery grateful.

Please mail me to the following address :


Thanks in advance,

David Yarwood
Edinburgh, UK. Received on Wed Aug 18 1993 - 19:12:48 CEST

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