Re: C++ & Pro*C v7

From: Lorne Schachter <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 12:14:00 GMT
Message-ID: <>

|> >>>>>>> On 9 Jul 93 21:38:42 GMT, (Jim Holt)
|> >>>>>>> said:

|> >>> Anyone have a script which can repair the sins committed by the Pro*C
|> >>> precompiler so that C++ will compile it's output ? (I have one that
|> >>> works for Oracle version 6.XXXX but not for Oracle version 7.XXX,
|> >>> which apparently commits many more sins than the previous version)
We run a sed script that does the appropriate cleanup for us as follows:

   export SQLPP="proc include=$DBMS_INCL ireclen=132 oreclen=132 \

		select_error=no sqlcheck=none mode=ORACLE dbms=V7 \

# On input the following environment variables must be set
#    SQLSUF must be:
#		 'pp' for CQL
#		 'ec' for Informix
#		 'pc' for Oracle
#   SQLPP must be:
#		 'sqlpp' for CQL
#		 'esql' for Informix
#		 'procc' for Oracle

NOEXT=`echo $1 | cut -d'.' -f1`
EXT=`echo $1 | cut -d'.' -f2`
rm -f $NOEXT.$SQLSUF $NOEXT.C 2> /dev/null && case "$DBMSFLAG" in
	echo "y" | /bin/rm -f $NOEXT.tmp &&
	echo "y" | /bin/rm -f $NOEXT.lis &&
	$SQLPP iname=$NOEXT.$SQLSUF oname=$NOEXT.tmp &&
	sed 's/^extern.*sql...(.*);//' $NOEXT.tmp > $NOEXT.t;
	sed 's/static const struct sqlcxp/static struct sqlcxp/' $NOEXT.t > $NOE
			sed 's/static const char/static char/' $NOEXT.u > $NOEXT.v
			sed 's/short  \*cud/const short \*cud/' $NOEXT.v > $NOEXT.C

		and then run CC on $NOEXT.C

		It's messy but it works.  We have had significant trouble from ORACLE in
		getting the correct prototypes, so many of our prototypes just use

Received on Thu Jul 15 1993 - 14:14:00 CEST

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