Sql*Forms/Packaged Procedure

From: Farnham Dave <farnham_at_spot.Colorado.EDU>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1993 22:51:18 GMT
Message-ID: <1993Jun15.225118.15494_at_ucsu.Colorado.EDU>

Reply to: Jenny_Farnham_at_stortek.com

Here is a short scenario:

I have one character field on the screen with a post-change or on-validate-field (take your choice).

This field has the "automatic skip" turned ON.

When a value is entered the user does not even have to press return, it automatically does what the trigger is programmed to do. For instance:

if :choice = 'R' then

   call ('receipt_screen');

PROBLEM: When they enter 'X' I have:

if :choice = 'X' then

The problem with this is that "exit_form" is a packaged procedure and won't execute, i get an error. HOW do I get around this. Sure if I used a key-nxtfld to activate this stuff, it would work, but I want the user to enter a letter and voila - action is taken...

Any ideas?

Jennifer Farnham
Boulder, Colorado Received on Wed Jun 16 1993 - 00:51:18 CEST

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