Re: Customization of SQL*Forms.

From: William Kaufman <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1992 18:48:24 GMT
Message-ID: <>

In an email message, Steve Schow ( asks me:
] Thanks for responding to our plea. What exactly is this resprint and
] resparse? Are these resource files you are talking about part of
] v4 or are you refering to the FRM files? Do these resprint and
] resparse utilities exist for v3?

    Sorry, should have been more explicit.

    Part of Toolkit 2 (the UI interface for the next generation of Oracle tools) is the Resource Manager ([tm]?), which is a mini-database. This is the new version of the Toolkit 1 (SQL*Forms 3.0) resource files--it's where the terminal definitions, for example, will be stored.

    resprint and resparse are utilities to convert between the text version and compressed version of the resource file (which, BTW, is something you can't do with the Toolkit 1 / SQL*Forms 3.0 resource files).

    If SQL*Forms 4.0 uses resource files for their forms (which, again, I don't know) you'll still be able to get text versions of the forms. And, even if it doesn't, there will probably still be some text version supported, just for maximum portability.

  • Bill K.
Bill Kaufman,          | "...all conscious species are plastic and
Corporate Lackey       |  all plastic species are conscious." |                     -- Yew-Kwang Ng
Received on Fri Aug 28 1992 - 20:48:24 CEST

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