Q: listing form parameters

From: Malcolm Dew-Jones <yf110_at_vtn1.victoria.tc.ca>
Date: 9 May 2008 18:02:40 -0800
Message-ID: <4824f430$1_at_news.victoria.tc.ca>

I'm using Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)

I wish to create a general purpose procedure to list an fmb's parameter names and values, but I don't see how to do that. Does anyone know how to do that?

To be more specific in case my meaning isn't clear... an example of a general purpose procedure to access the items in a block, I could use code such as (of the top of my head, totally untested code)

  item_name := get_block_property('THE_BLOCK',FIRST_ITEM);   last_name := get_block_property('THE_BLOCK',LAST_ITEM);   while 1=1
    the_value := name_in('the_block.'||item_name);     message(item_name||'='||the_value);
    if item_name = last_item then exit; end if;     item_name := get_item_property(item_name,NEXT_ITEM);   end loop;

I want to do something similar to the above, but listing the forms parameters and their values. If I know the name of a parameter then I can get the value using NAME_IN('PARAMETER.THE_NAME'), but I am stuck on how to get a list of the names in the first place.

Feedback appreciated.

Thanks, malcolm dj. Received on Sat May 10 2008 - 04:02:40 CEST

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