Re: Loading data from multiple files

From: Malcolm Dew-Jones <>
Date: 7 Mar 2005 12:22:12 -0800
Message-ID: <> wrote:
: Thanks for the suggestions.

: Sorry I did not make it clear I am actually looking for a GUI tool
: which can help me.
: Something which will alow my customer to define mapping between file
: and target table, specify file(s) to process and load data into the
: database.
: Scripting is way too complicated for the customers I am dealing with.

So write a script that shows a menu of options.

The user selects the menu option they want (including for example a file to load). Your script converts that into a sql loader file that loads the file. Then it displays the resulting log files in some organized manner.

You can make it as pretty and gui as you wish.

Hardest part is probably to display an easy, controlled, file select. On Windows use Perl Tk::FileSelect, or visual basic (GetOpenFileName()?), or there are myriad other options - perhaps really impress them by sending an outlook mail message with a built in form that drives the load process and sends any series error conditions back to the help desk...

Even a couple of DOS-ish batch files would probably work in a pinch - hardest part would be selecting the files in that case.



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Received on Mon Mar 07 2005 - 21:22:12 CET

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