Re:Solved: Problem uploading (some) HTML files with PL/SQL Gateway

From: Mark C. Stock <mcstockX_at_Xenquery>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 17:27:23 -0500
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] "Mark C. Stock" <mcstockX_at_Xenquery .com> wrote in message news:...
| "Andy Hardy" <junkmail_at_[]> wrote in message
| news:AAT8sLBU$rFAFwCv_at_[]...
| | In message <> , Mark C. Stock
| | <> writes
| | >It appears that the PL/SQL gateway document upload cannot (or will not)
| | >upload a file that appears to have an HTML anchor in it (although extra
| | >whitespace does spoof it, if indeed, it's rejecting the file on
| | >
| | >After a lot of testing, I ended up with this fragment of HTML that
| | >the PL/SQL Gateway upload routine to fail:
| | >
| | ><a href="javascript:alert('set
| all');"><small><em>All</em></small></a></td>
| | >
| | >get rid of the '<' or the '=', and the file loads with no problem.
| | >
| | >Has anybody else experienced this or is anybody aware of any
| on
| | >this?
| | >
| |
| | In what way does it 'fail'? I've not had the same problems, but have
| | been surprised at the 'document parts' not being uploaded - the
| | documentation makes it sound as if the embedded links turn up as
| | documents in their own right into the 'documents parts' table... but
| | they don't...
| |
| | --
| | Andy Hardy. PGP ID: 0xA62A4849
| well, it fails totally and gracelessly --
| here's the test proc modified from the PL/SQL Gateway manual's example:
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------


| ---------------
| procedure simple_upload_test (
| file in varchar2 default null
| )
| is
| begin
| htp.p('<html>');
| htp.p('<head>');
| htp.p('<title>test upload</title>');
| htp.p('</head>');
| htp.p('<body>');
| if file is not null
| then
| htp.p('<p>File uploaded: ' || file ||'</p>');
| end if;
| htp.p('<FORM enctype="multipart/form-data"');
| htp.p('action="simple_upload_test"');
| htp.p('method="POST">');
| htp.p('<table>');
| htp.p('<tr><td>File to upload:<td><INPUT type="file" name="file">');
| htp.p('<tr><td><td><INPUT type="submit" value="Upload">');
| htp.p('</table>');
| htp.p('</FORM>');
| htp.p('</body>');
| htp.p('</html>');
| end simple_upload_test;
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| ---------------
| notice that the procedure calls itself via the form action
| if you create a file with the content noted in the OP, it will result in
| HTTP 404, referencing 'simple_upload_test' in the URL -- which is the
| gateway's way of telling you that either the file upload procedure failed
| the call to the specified URL had incorrect parameters or was just totally
| bogus.
| however, taking out the '<' in the '<a....>' tag or the '=' in the 'href'
| attribute allows the file to be uploaded without incident
| versions:
| mod_plsql v3. in the 8.1.7 (local w2k test environment) and above
| (sorry, can't get the exact version on my client's server until
thursday --
| but i believe it's 9iAS r2, database is
| -- mcs
Andy, you got me thinking -- did a little more research and came up with MetaLink note #134282.1 and the otherwise undocumented (as of that note) 'document part' table -- the gateway was trying to upload the document referenced in the link (even though the link reference is javascript) and failed because the '%part' table did not exist. so, i created the '%part' table that corresponded to my default doc table: CREATE TABLE wwdoc_documentpart ( document VARCHAR2(256) , part VARCHAR2(256) , uploaded CHAR(1) , CONSTRAINT wwdoc_documentpart_pk PRIMARY KEY( document, part ) ) PCTFREE 0 and now uploads of the html file with links appear to work fine, except, as [Quoted] you noted, that the parts are not automatically uploaded -- looking for more [Quoted] info on MetaLink all i could come up with is a post from some guy named 'andy' ;-)
Received on Tue Jan 27 2004 - 23:27:23 CET

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