Re: Index probleme in oracle text

From: Van Messner <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 18:04:37 -0400
Message-ID: <>

This is how I did it in an 8i database recently:

Installing Intermedia for Version 8173

Steps 3
1. Check Your OS Directory Structure 3
2. Set Your Environment Variables 3
2a. Check Your Init.ora Parameters 3

3. Install InterMedia 3
4. Make Sure extproc is Working 4
5. Look for CTXSYS Errors 5
6. Do all Necessary Grants 5
7. Create the Indexs Alicia Needs in prdp1 5
Tools 6
Scripts to check Intermedia installed properly 6 Dropping InterMedia 8
Troubleshooting Index Creation 8
Troubleshooting Extproc or Connection Problems 9
A) Modify the NET Configuration if Necessary 9
B) Test the  NET Configuration 10
C) Check on any Problem with Intermedia CLOB Size Limit 11
Troubleshooting DRG-11207 Problems 11
Introduction 11
Common Errors 11
Environmental Settings 12
Supported Document Attribute Checklist 13 Further References 14
Tom Kyte Notes 14

1. Check Your OS Directory Structure
 Make sure the OS directory for Bfile storage (PROT_DOC_DIR) has all the correct OS privileges. That is be sure users can write to it. Connect as sys and run a statement like this to create your directory.   create directory prot_doc_dir as '/app/esprit/production' ;   or
  create directory test_dir as '/ora_sw/admin/SID' ;  If you want to see whether a directory exists you can run this:   select * from dba_directories;
Make sure the files are placed in PROT_DOC_DIR '/app/esprit/production'  The INSO filter files are normally in /ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/lib/ and have a suffix of .flt The OS user (Oracle) should be able to execute these files. Also INSO needs to write files in a subdirectory of the HOME environmnet variable ( normally /ora_sw/ ). This directory should be named .oit and be writable by user Oracle. So your full path to the directory looks like

2. Set Your Environment Variables
 We sent these to Ted Holdgate because when we made the changes they did not persist. Even sending them to Ted it is important to let him know they must persist after entering or changing a SID. Basically, Ted adds lines to oraenv in the /ora_sw/lbin folder to include the ctx information.

  • PATH (to additionally include $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/bin) i.e.

PATH=/ora_sw/8.1.7/bin:/ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/lib:/ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/bin:/usr/loca l/bin:
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH (to additionally include $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib & $ORACLE_HOME/lib
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ora_sw/8.1.7/lib:/ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/lib:/ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/bi n: .
Other values that have influence on the indexing process are: - TMPDIR (on Unix). The temporary directory is used to hold the temporary files being written during
indexing binary documents like Excel Spreadsheets. Point this variable to a directory where you have enough space to hold those files. i.e. TMPDIR=/var/tmp

2a. Check Your Init.ora Parameters
Remove the TEXT_ENABLE INIT.ORA parameter or set it to FALSE. This parameter is no longer used in Oracle 8i, and will actually prevent 8i from operating correctly
  text_enable = false

3. Install InterMedia
In SQL*Plus connected as internal issue these commands:  connect internal
 set feedback on
 set serveroutput on
   _at_/ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/admin/dr0csys.sql *** tools temp01  where
*** is the ctxsys password (use the same password as for user system)

        tools is the default tablespace for ctxsys
        temp01 is the temporary tablespace for ctxsys
 Note: The above module creates the user CTXSYS and grants full privileges to CTXSYS in

         order to create and insert into result tables, execute callbacks, rewrite

         queries, and perform system cleanup. )

 Next issue these grants:
  connect internal
   grant execute on sys.dbms_lock to ctxsys;

       grant execute on sys.dbms_pipe to ctxsys;

 Now connect as ctxsys in SQL*Plus while still in /ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/admin/   connect ctxsys
   _at_dr0inst /ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/lib/ Note: The above module installs all Oracle database objects required by the text system. This includes:

  1. Data dictionary tables, views, sequence, packages
  2. Server management tables, views and packages
  3. Dispatcher packages
  4. Service queue objects Also you can check at the end of the install that the library is correctly installed by connecting as ctxsys and selecting from user_libraries: connect ctxsys select library_name, file_spec, dynamic, status from user_libraries; LIBRARY_NAME FILE_SPEC D STATUS
    • ---------------------------------------- --
      DR$LIBX /ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/lib/ Y VALID

The next step is to install appropriate language-specific default preferences. When you use CREATE INDEX to create an index or ALTER INDEX to manage an index, you can optionally specify indexing preferences in the parameter string. There are seven preference classes: - Lexer, defines the language being indexed. (<- LANG)

  • Wordlist, defines the expantion of stem and fuzzy queries. (<- LANG)
  • Stoplist, defines words and themes that are not be indexed. (<- LANG)
  • Datastore, defines document storage.
  • Filter, defines standards for converion of documents to plaintext.
  • Storage, defines the storage of the index tables.
  • Section group, enables possibilities to define document sections. An installation with the Database Configuration Assistant install the US default language preferences. To manually install the US default preferences, log into sqlplus as CTXSYS, and run 'drdefus.sql', as described below: connect ctxsys _at_/ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/admin/defaults/drdefus.sql 4. Make Sure extproc is Working InterMedia Text is based on routines called by external procedure calls. For example, if you are indexing a word document, you will have an external procedure call to the Inso Filter for the actual indexing process. To see if extproc has been setup correctly, you can run the following procedure: set serveroutput on set feedback on connect ctxsys execute ctx_output.start_log('logfile.txt'); commit;

If you get "PL/SQL procedure successfully completed", you're all set. If not you'll have to work on your extproc connection. 5. Look for CTXSYS Errors
In SQL*Plus
 connect ctxsys
where to_date(err_timestamp, 'DD-MON-YY') > to_date('30-MAR-03','DD-MON-YY') ;

where to_date(err_timestamp, 'DD-MON-YY') > to_date('30-MAR-03','DD-MON-YY')
 Where the first is a view and the second a table.
 delete from CTXSYS.DR$INDEX_ERROR ;
6. Do all Necessary Grants
Now if you are going to be using InterMedia on LOBs you may have to look up
and do additional grants such as:
 connect internal
  grant read on directory prot_doc_dir to ctxsys;
  grant read on directory prot_doc_dir to DOC;
  connect ctxsys
  grant ctxapp to DOC;
where you have a directory prot_doc_dir for your Bfiles and you will have to
grant the ctxapp role to users who own the LOBs.

In the Tools section of this document are scripts you can use to see whether
InterMedia installed correctly.  Note that in versions of Oracle earlier
than 8.1.7 you had to have a shell script to startup the context server
processes.  From 8.1.7 onwards this is no longer necessary.

7. Create the Indexs A Needs in prdp1
Create a new index as below by connecting as the doc user in SQL*plus
  connect doc
 ctx_ddl.create_preference('DOCS_INSO_FILTER', 'INSO_FILTER');

begin ctx_ddl.create_preference('DOCS_INSO_FILTER', 'INSO_FILTER'); end;
commit; -- create index doc_document_idxtest1 on doc_document(document_object) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('datastore DirectPref filter DOCS_INSO_FILTER' ); -- alter index doc_document_idxtest1 rebuild parameters('SYNC'); -- create index doc_document_idxtest2 on doc_document(document_text) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('datastore DirectPref filter DOCS_INSO_FILTER' ); -- alter index doc_document_idxtest2 rebuild parameters('SYNC'); drop index doc.doc_document_idxtest1 ; drop index doc.doc_document_idxtest2 ; Using step 5 above, check for errors in the error tables. Then while connected in SQL*Plus as doc check for the token text to confirm if the index is created connect doc select token_text from DOC.DR$DOC_DOCUMENT_IDXTEST$I ; Finally run a test query select document_id, score(1) from doc.doc_document where contains(document_object, 'Inhibition', 1) > 0 order by score(1) desc ; Tools Scripts to check Intermedia installed properly Use SQL*Plus connect create table bird (bird_id number, species varchar2(20)); insert into bird values (1, 'robin'); insert into bird values (2, 'black crow'); insert into bird values (3, 'green crow'); insert into bird values (4, 'green robin'); commit; alter table bird add constraint bird_pk primary key (bird_id); create index bird_I1 on bird(species) indextype is ctxsys.context; The fact that the indextype is context will show up in the ityp_name column of dba_indexes. Unlike regular indexes, these context indexes are not updated automatically. After changes in the data, you need to run alter index bird_I1 rebuild parameters('SYNC'); select bird_id from bird where contains (species, 'crow') > 0; BIRD_ID ---------- 2 3 Using Context. The > 0 is not for 'greater than 0 occurrences', but for a 'score' Oracle keeps. In the case of a simple search there is not much of a score to keep but if it comes to searching for 'crow' fairly near 'black' then a score makes sense. You can see the score as follows: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains(species, 'crow', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 2 black crow 4 3 green crow 4 You can do Boolean searches: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, 'crow AND black', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 2 black crow 4 If you want the word 'AND' to be part of the search phrase, you must surround it with braces: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, 'crow {AND} black', 10) > 0; no rows selected You can also use the & for the Boolean AND. For OR, use OR or |: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, 'crow | robin', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 1 robin 4 2 black crow 4 3 green crow 4 4 green robin 4 To find species containing crow but not black: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, 'crow MINUS black', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 3 green crow 4 You can use - instead of MINUS. If you want to weight the scores, you can multiply by a factor in the range .1 to 10: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, 'crow*7 - green', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 2 black crow 28 3 green crow 24 Suppose you want a term which occurs fairly near another term: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, 'crow NEAR green', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 3 green crow 14 You can use ; instead of NEAR. ConText finds whole words, not parts of words: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, 'obi', 10) > 0; no rows selected However, you can use the same wildcards you use with LIKE: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, '%obin', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- - --------- 1 robin 4 4 green robin 4 To find verbs that are tense variants of given words, use the dollar sign: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, '$crowed', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 2 black crow 4 3 green crow 4 To find close matches, use ?: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, '?craw', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 2 black crow 4 3 green crow 4 For the SOUNDEX option, use !: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, '!croh', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 2 black crow 4 3 green crow 4 You can combine search methods: select bird_id, species, SCORE(10) from bird where contains (species, '$?crowed AND green', 10) > 0; BIRD_ID SPECIES SCORE(10) ---------- -------------------- ---------- 3 green crow 4 You can also use (, ) on the binary operators. Dropping InterMedia In SQL*Plus connected as internal issue this command: connect internal _at_/ora_sw/8.1.7/ctx/admin/dr0dsys.sql Troubleshooting Index Creation Here is something to check if you have problems with Intermedia index creation. Before trying the create index command again do these things: connect ctxsys begin CTXSYS.CTX_OUTPUT.START_LOG('idxtest.log'); end; This will create a log file so that you can see the progress of text index creation. The CTX_OUTPUT.START_LOG('<filename>') procedure begins logging to the file specified in '<filename>' and CTX_OUTPUT.END_LOG stops logging. By default, CTX_OUTPUT.START_LOG creates the specified log file in the $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/log directory. So verify $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/log directory is available to you. After text index creation is completed, the CTX_OUTPUT.END_LOG command should be issued by the user who began index logging. connect ctxsys begin CTXSYS.CTX_OUTPUT.END_LOG('idxtest.log'); end; Then you can review the log to help pinpoint the problem area. If you are making indexes involving bfiles, then it is vital that you have the information you need in the environmnet variables PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You should be able to change SIDs or re-enter the same SID and see the ctx information persist. If it does not you need to work on
/ora_sw/lbin/oraenv until the information does persist.
Troubleshooting Extproc or Connection Problems A) Modify the NET Configuration if Necessary 1. Listener.ora. a) Configure an IPC listener address. For instance, change: LISTENER = (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=<hostname or IP address>) (PORT=1521))) to: LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC) (KEY = EXTPROC0) ) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = <hostname or IP address>) (PORT = 1521)) ) ) ) b) Add a system identifier (SID) name of PLSExtProc and a program name of EXTPROC in the server's LISTENER.ORA file. For instance, in the SID_LIST_LISTENER definition, insert: (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME=PLSExtProc) (PROGRAM=extproc) ) - PLSExtProc matches the CONNECT_DATA SID for extproc_connection_data in the tnsnames.ora. - The PROGRAM section tells the Net8 listener to start the external procedure process. - The ENVS section, may be set here for UNIX, to ensure that the environment includes ?/ctx/lib in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is needed so that indexing can use the INSO filters. You add this as follows: (ENVS = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<ORACLE_HOME>/ctx/lib') - On NT, you may need to have ORACLE_HOME set in this section as well. (ORACLE_HOME=<ORACLE_HOME>) 2. Tnsnames.ora. Add a net service name description entry for EXTPROC0 in the server's tnsnames.ora file, using SID rather than SERVICE_NAME in the CONNECT_DATA section. For example, add this to the end of tnsnames.ora: extproc_connection_data = (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=IPC) (KEY=EXTPROC0) ) ) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=PLSExtProc) ) ) - PLSExtProc could really be named anything. - The connect string 'extproc_connection_data' should not be changed(even not be in upper case). 3. Sqlnet.ora. Add or check your domain name entry to the Sqlnet.ora file on your server, NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN. So, for example, if 'world' is your default domain. would be correct. i.e. NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = B) Test the NET Configuration Since the extproc_connection_data ADDRESS section specifies ipc, make sure that the ADDRESS_LIST of listener.ora accepts ipc connections. One way to do this is to try to create a text index. A quicker way to test the Net8 configuration is to do: connect ctxsys exec ctx_output.start_log('log'); from SQL*Plus. If you get the error: 'DRG-50704: Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures, then things are not set up correctly. Recommended actions: Go through the configuration. 1. Ensure that the listener is started with the new IPC settings: type: lsnrctl status The important service summary item to check here is the service handler for PLSExtProc. This should return: PLSExtProc has 1 service handler(s) 2. Test the service handler for PLSExtProc with tnsping and look for a successful response: tnsping extproc_connection_data 3. Check your domain name configuration C) Check on any Problem with Intermedia CLOB Size Limit Hi, I have this weird problem with Intermedia that is now becoming critical for my application. My database is in UTF-8, and I'm storing XML documents in a CLOB column. I have followed the instruction to get a lexer and a section group that will work with XML, and the index is created with no error, and no error appears in the ctx log, if enabled. The problem is that everything works well for small documents (less than 2300 characters or such). If a document is bigger than that, nothing get indexed: the DR$MYINDEX$I table is empty. I tried to play around with storage and lob options for both the inde xtable and the $I table, to no avail. Is it a memory issue? What settings do I need to change. I'm trying to index, at the moment, three documents of around 3K in size, and a quick view at v$sgastat tells me I have 15 Megs free memory... Help!!! You are running into bug 1619321 (base bug 1555818)--fixed in Oracle9. There is a patch available for 8.1.7, but you will need to request the one-off patch through an iTAR or by calling into your local support center. Troubleshooting DRG-11207 Problems Introduction Most of the errors encountered during creation of Oracle Text indexes are likely to be caused when dealing with formatted documents. These errors are logged in the view CTX_USER_INDEX_ERRORS and can be queried from the schema where the create index statement was executed, or table CTX_INDEX_ERRORS queried from the CTXSYS user. One of the errors commonly reported in these views is the DRG-11207 "exited with status X" error. Unfortunately, this error is often not useful in diagnosing indexing issues. The INSO_FILTER issues are difficult to diagnose because Oracle uses a third-party application for filtering. As a result, it is often difficult to identify the real source of the problem. In regards to the INSO_FILTER, the error code implies that it is unable to index a formatted document. It is important to mention that these errors can be operating system specific and therefore what's below is intended to provide some hints as a starting point for analysis. Its possible that other cases may be reported and if this is the case be sure to log the error with Oracle Support. ( For Oracle 10i, meaningful error messages have been added for drg-11207. This has been documented in [BUG:2473885] ) Common Errors DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status 1 Status 1 means "Could not filter the document". It is a generic error and indicates that INSO_FILTER failed on a given document. This can happen due to many documented reasons: an invalid environmental setting; document is corrupted, encrypted, password protected; document version not supported (incompatibility) or due to a bug in INSO_FILTER. DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status 2 Status 2 means "The INSO_FILTER has timed-out". The default value of the timeout value for the INSO_FILTER is 120 (seconds). The default value for the timeout_type is heuristic, which implies that if the timeout value is reached and the INSO_FILTER has not started to write output, the indexing operation terminates for the document row and Oracle moves to the next document row to be indexed. Beginning in it is possible to change the timeout_type variable to fixed, which allows a user to terminate filtering processing after the TIMEOUT seconds regardless of whether filtering is progressing normally or hanging. The default timeout value is generally enough for filtering most of the documents. If the timeout value is not large enough then it may timeout even before filtering completes. PDF and Microsoft Excel files are usually more prone to this timeout as the INSO_FILTER generally takes more time to process these types of files. If this is the case then you can create a preference with a larger timeout value in versions and above. It should be noted, however, that the timeout attribute cannot be changed dynamically. In order for the new timeout value to take effect, it is necessary to re-create the index with the new timeout attribute setting. For example, in 9.2.x to alter the timeout to 600 seconds(10 minutes) and use the fixed timeout_type: begin ctx_ddl.create_preference('my_inso', 'INSO_FILTER'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('my_inso', 'timeout', '600'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('my_inso', 'timeout_type', 'FIXED'); end;
Documented reasons for timing out are: 1. the document is too large to be indexed in the alloted time set via TIMEOUT attribute. 2. INSO filter is hanging during the filtering. DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status 127 Status 127 points to that likely an environmental issue with the shared library environmental variable. DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status 137 Status 137 means that the ctxhx executable was killed as the INSO filter is not set-up properly. Confirm that the correct environmental variables are setup(LD_LIBRARY_PATH AND PATH) and the format of the document is supported by your INSO filter. Environmental Settings Please note that any DRG-11207 error may be caused by the setting of the environmental variables. Be sure that the PATH and shared library path which is LD_LIBRARY_PATH (SHLIB_PATH for HP-UX and LIBPATH for AIX) are correct, since it is this setting which actually invokes the INSO filter. Note : it is also possible to define the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the listener.ora entry for extproc. This would be included in the ENVS section of the origin database LISTENER.ORA: ENVS = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<full_pathname_of_oracle_home>/ctx/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/lib' LD_LIBRARY_PATH should include <full_pathname_of_oracle_home>/ctx/lib:<full_pathname_of_oracle_home>/lib For example: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<full_pathname_of_oracle_home>/ctx/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATH should include <full_pathname_of_oracle_home>/ctx/bin:<full_pathname_of_oracle_home>/bin [NOTE:133691.1] and [NOTE:135333.1] provides possible steps to get around this error. Supported Document Attribute Checklist 1. Determine if the filtered document is supported A list of supported formats is provided in the InterMedia Text documentation pages. Please check whether the format falls in the list of supported formats. It is important to note that each Oracle version may support different versions of documents. For PDF Acrobat (full version), click on File->Document_Info->General and you should see the PDF version. For Microsoft Word and Excel, click on File->Save As and review the "Save as type" to determine the version. 2. Determine if the document is corrupted To verify if a document is corrupted, open the document and view it line by line checking for corrupted output. Please note, just holding down the "Page Down" button to view all the pages, it's possible that potential corruption on a particular page will go unnoticed. 3. Determine if the document is a secure or copy protected document Password protected documents and documents with password protected contents are not supported by the INSO filter. For PDF Acrobat (full version), click under file->document_info->security. If the open password or security password is set to true then it's password protected. For Microsoft Word, click under Tools->Options->Save. If the "Password to open" or "Password to modify" appears as asterisks (*****), then the document is secured. For Microsoft Excel, click under File->Save As->Tools->General options. If the "Password to open" or "Password to modify" appears as asterisks (*****), then the document is secured. 4. Determine if the document is encrypted INSO filter does not currently support encrypted documents. For PDF Acrobat (full version), click under file->document_info->security. If security method is none, the document is not encrypted. In other cases, it is encrypted. For Microsoft Word, it is not possible to encrypt this type of document directly. For Microsoft Excel, if the document is workbook protected then this implies that the document is encrypted. To determine this click under tools->protection and if the Unprotect Workbook or Unprotect Sheet is shown, this implies that the workbook/worksheet is encrypted. 5. Determine if the document has custom embedded fonts Stellent filters will succeed on the majority of PDF documents containing custom fonts. Until now, there have only been a few documented cases of custom embedded fonts causing filtering problems with PDF documents. If there is a filtering problem with custom fonts, it will only result in garbage tokens being produced as a result of the custom font, whereas the remainder of the PDF document using the standard/built-in font will be filtered properly. To determine if custom embedded fonts are used for PDF Acrobat (full version), click under file->document_info->fonts and review the encoding type. The best way to identify whether a particular custom font will filter successfully is to highlight the character, copy and paste into Notepad. If the output contains garbage text then it is not likely to be filtered properly. For Microsoft Word and Excel, regardless of what font is being used, the INSO filter should be able to extract the characters. Further References Oracle Text Reference Releases 9.1 and 9.2 [BUG:2473885] BETTER ERROR MESSAGES FOR WHEN CREATING INTERMEDIA INDEX USING INSO FILTER [NOTE:133691.1] Create context index fails with DRG-11207 or [NOTE:135333.1] CTX_DDL.SYNC_INDEX With DBMS_JOB Fails (DRG-11207) Using INSO Filter in V817 [BUG:1795642] INTERMEDIA TEXT INDEX OF A CERTAIN EXCEL97 FILE IS NOT CREATED IN WEBDB SITE Tom Kyte Notes Go to Tom's web site and search for information. I won't post it here verbatim cause it's probably copyrighted.
Received on Thu Oct 23 2003 - 00:04:37 CEST

Original text of this message