I want to create Applet width JClient component.

From: kkubis <kkubis_at_poczta.gazeta.pl>
Date: 12 Dec 2002 08:02:39 -0800
Message-ID: <df5d8976.0212120802.6eac5c88_at_posting.google.com>

I create it in this way:
  1. I create JClient panel "PanelEmpView"
  2. and I create Applet and add to it code:


                                         new JUErrorHandlerDialog());
   JUApplication app = JUMetaObjectManager.createApplicationObjec( 
                                    null, new JUEnvInfoProvider());
   PanelEmpView panelEmpView = new PanelEmpView( app );    this.getContentPane( ).setLayout( new BorderLayout( ) );    this.getContentPane( ).add( panelEmpView, BorderLayout.CENTER );

I can run Applet in JDeveloper's Appletviewer bat I can't run it in Internet Explorer. Applet cannot create application object by:

                        null, new JUEnvInfoProvider());

This is posible to create Applets with JClient components ? How I can do it ?

Krzysztof Kubis
kkubis_at_poczta.gazeta.pl Received on Thu Dec 12 2002 - 17:02:39 CET

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