Partition table performance issue

From: shankar <>
Date: 23 Jul 2002 12:44:38 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] [Quoted] I have a table which has multiple partions. That table also has a index ( say for esample on col1,cpol2,col3,col4 etc)

When I run a select which is using col1,col2,col3,col4 in the where clause it's still not using the index.

can anyone say why?

here is the select

select --/*+index es_bk_summary.es_bk_summary_idx1 */ prod_net_book
--sum( nvl( prod_net_book + svc_net_book, 0 ) )

        from es_bk_summary
                where period_year = 2002
                  And period_num =7
                  and period_type = 'QTD'
                  and currency_code = 'USD'
                  and salesrep_number ='42367'
** es_bk_sumary has partions like
PARTITION ES_BK_SUMM_2001_1 VALUES LESS THAN (2001, 2) - which i THINK IS YEAR AND PERIOD_NUM. **INDEX ON columns period_year,period_num, period_tyoe,currency_code and few more colums (in the same order as above)


    TABLE ACCESS FULL ES_BK_SUMMARY Why is not using index?
How can I improve the performance of this query.

thanks in advance Received on Tue Jul 23 2002 - 21:44:38 CEST

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